Your student loan was forgiven last year — hurray! But wait. Do you owe taxes? Student Loan Forgiveness: In the Clear or Not? Celebrations may have erupted when the news of student loan forgiveness by the Biden administration broke out. After all, more than five million borrowers saw their debts, amounting to about $184 billion,Can Student Loan Forgiveness Lead to Surprise Tax Charges?
India’s Q1 GDP Growth: An Englishman’s Perspective A Peek at the Numbers India’s first-quarter GDP growth has decelerated to 6.7%. Despite this slowdown, it remains the world’s fastest-growing major economy. Steady but not spectacular, one might say. Context and Comparisons Globally, most large economies are struggling. This makes India’s performance stand out even more. TheIndia’s GDP Growth Dips to 6.7% in Q1, Still Maintains Lead in Global Major Economies – News Source